Xtra Life
Fantasy Character

Project Services

Visual Identity
Art Direction
Collateral Design
Print Production
Interior Design
Digital Integration
Website Design

Project Overview

A completely unique opportunity, we masterplanned and designed the first of a kind, best-in-class leisure park in the KSA where guests could enter an alternative world beyond reality, to become different characters within virtual reality games.

Added Character

With the relaxing of the conservative KSA society, the emergence of a tech savvy, millennial generation provided the perfect consumer group from which to base our overarching creative concept for Xtra Life – a name based on winning a bonus life on classic arcade games.

Our design for the interior of Xtra Life is paired back to allow the main focus to be on the games. True to material surroundings such as shuttered concrete were overlayed with screens, graphics and materials to create a flexible, immersive environment.

Guest experience and interior design developed in partnership with Wildfire.